

You don’t need the stuff that you already have. So why are you buying more of it?

Because society, the retailers, the brands, the advertising moguls and governments say and convince you that you should. After all without stuff the economy won’t grow, without growth you will starve and then you will die, oh and your family will die too.

If your family dies, your name will be forgotten forever.


None of that is actually true is it? There will always be growth, because the population grows, whether we like it or not.

The current world population of 7.3 billion is expected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100.

We don’t need to worry, we are adding 1.2 billion people in the next 12 years. Did you read that? The next 12 years!!

Growth will happen without us even trying.

The average American home has 300,000 items. Even if you halved it for the average British home that would still be 150,000 items. Can you even get your mind around that?

It feels suffocating doesn’t it? And it is, stuff causes dense energy in and around you, causing you to feel demotivated, depressed and lethargic. Have you ever felt what it feels like when you have tidied up any clutter? It feels good doesn’t it?

We have all been brainwashed from a very very early age that we need stuff to feel good and actually it makes us feel bad, it gets us into debt and then we don’t find a way out.

Get real, get rid.

Michael de Groot