Michael de Groot in the Media

BBC Hereford & Worcester - Pickleball
BBC and Michael de Groot

As Pickleball is still relatively new in the UK with only 9000 players versus in the USA 5 million and at least 35 million people have played pickleball once, I managed to invite BBC Hereford and Worcester to attend one of our weekly sessions at the Wyre Forest Leisure Centre in Kidderminster, Worcestershire UK. The reporter even had a go himself, whilst he had a go at learning to play himself. It’s a really great report. Enjoy, M ツ


Grappling with the Gray Live #27: Should Big Brother be watching?

2 November 2022
And here is the scenario we’ll be discussing: Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter has renewed debate over free speech vs. responsible speech, over the need for and the dangers of censorship, over standards and double standards. Granted that implementing equitable policy solutions across social media may be beyond our reach, what about in the workplace: we want employees to feel free to express themselves, but we don’t want to ignore caustic speech and behavior; we want to promote sensitivity and respect, but we don’t want to compel speech; we want to create a culture where employees feel trusted, but we don’t want some employees to abuse our trust in a way that makes other employees uncomfortable in the workplace. Increasingly, reports indicate that efforts to create a healthier work environment often backfire, with some employees feeling vilified because of their identity and others feeling disempowered or tokenized by possibly well-intentioned efforts to support them. Given that some individuals are hypersensitive and others are socially clumsy or downright disrespectful, we struggle to set in place policies, checks, and balances to safeguard the dignity of employees without creating an oppressive work atmosphere. Is it ethical to impose blanket policies that may go beyond their intended goals and produce unintended consequences? Is it ethical to do nothing, if the cure might be worse than the ailment? How do we maintain our ethical balance while trying to improve workplace culture? Meet this week’s panelists: Michael de Groot is a storyteller, helping clients bring their business stories alive and is host of the Share Your Story podcast. . Lisa K. McDonald is the founder of Career Polish, an Executive Career Coach and Master Mindset Coach who helps successful professionals reach their next phase of career-happy and life-healthy. Toni McLelland is Founder and Director of 1st Life Group. She is a Critical Friend & Business Mentor in Social Justice, Mobility & Impact.


school for fathers podcast interviews michael de groot

5 November 2021
The School for Fathers Podcast disrupts the idea that once we’re a father, life stays the same. Join entrepreneur and mother of 10, Danusia Malina-Derben as she interviews working fathers about how they’re answering the question: How can I be a father and still be me? She hears from celebrities, well-known authors, heavyweight entrepreneurs, global activists, career powerhouses, influencers, & leading experts. Expect vulnerable conversation and insights that blow fresh air into what we know about men as working fathers.


Michael speaks at Kaushalya UK - Men are from Mars

9 July 2021
Kaushalya UK is a registered, not for profit, community organisation working to empower and uplift women. It is growing organically in leaps and bounds under the dynamic leadership of its founder and CEO Ms. Ritu Sharma, who has dedicated her life to bringing women this world to find their own power and true worth. 

The organisation has been working to bring more force to women through personal and professional education, business/work opportunities, social events, seminars, workshops and speaking events.


Rupert Honywood interviews Michael on Look Forward Thursdays

2 June 2021
Okay so a bit of self indulgence for you in this episode. I was invited by a previous guest and fan of the podcast, Rupert Honeywood of Business Growth Bureau to appear on his weekly live stream titled ‘Look Forward Thursdays’. This is my first speaking event since the start of the pandemic, so I said yes of course. Another opportunity to talk about my current passion, storytelling. 

We came up with a jazzy title ‘Your brain is wired for stories and how to implement this in your business’. 


Michael de Groot - Interviews with BBC Hereford and Worcester

21 April 2021
I’m a Dutchman and I’m hugely passionate about storytelling.

My quest is to enable small business owners become better storytellers and share engaging stories about themselves and their businesses.

I do this through my own small business, Staying Alive UK, where we enjoy producing visually impactful cartoons and animation campaigns, engaging audiences and giving them a unique insight into an organisation’s story and value proposition. One of our future aims is to deliver these stories via Augmented Reality (AR) too. In addition we also deliver the ‘Share Your Story’ Storytelling Workshops online to help business owners develop their own story blueprint.


BBC Radio Hereford & Worcester with Tammy Gooding

13 January 2021
This is our full interview with BBC Radio Hereford & Worcester, which was broadcast on Wednesday 13 January 2021 on the Tammy Gooding Evening Show. They are really big fans of Taiko West and Tammy even had a go at drumming with a wooden spoon and spatula on an upturned pot of sanitsing wipes!

To get all the information and to sign up go to https://taikowest.com.


#TheOpenMike Podcast S5:E1 - Storytelling with Michael de Groot

22 January 2020
Today's influencer guest is Michael de Groot from Staying Alive UK Ltd and Michael is based in Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire, In the United Kingdom

Michael covers a 'deep dive' including five key strategies to help you with your Storytelling inc:

  • The difference between the storytelling in most adverts versus the storytelling in the movies.

  • How the framework of a story is built up.

  • Attention + Tension = A.Tension

  • What role does ‘The Hero's Journey’ play in storytelling?

  • How storytelling affects the brain to make decisions?


Michael de Groot - The Results Podcast

27 September 2019
I’m going to start with a question, with a proud show of hands who has ever been to the cinema? Great, that’s everyone in the room.

I’m a Dutchman and I’m passionate about storytelling and the movies you enjoy are of course all stories.

No! I don’t have jokes up my sleeves, tell children’s stories and I’m not even a published author. I don’t even like novels.

We produce bespoke and visually impactful cartoons and animation campaigns, engaging audiences and giving them a unique insight into an organisation's story and value proposition. And now Storytelling Workshops too!


Wyre Forest Taiko - BBC H&W - Drumming in the studio

25th March 2019
Haha, here are the video clips of our encounter (James Barrow and myself) with BBC Hereford & Worcester, which formed the musical part of our interview, which was aired on Tammy Gooding's afternoon show on the 25th March. We're super grateful for being able to share some of our story with Tammy. Thank you so much Tammy Gooding!


Pauline T. Crawford-Omps interviews Michael de Groot

19 September 2018
Mastering the Magic of Gender Dynamics

It’s no longer a game of hard line selling your services and products, the name of the game is building relationships, growing your following, leading a tribe, the future legacy you want to attract is seeded in every conversation you engage in.

As an International Speaker, Changemaker and Gender Dynamics Expert, Pauline T. Crawford-Omps has 30 years of experience in corporate C-suites in the UK and Asia Pacific. She has led corporate and government projects in UK and Malaysia, bringing leaders and teams into a new paradigm for collaboration and conversation. Experienced PhD in Entreprenology, specialising in Business Behaviour, and acclaimed as #MissMagicalConversations, she has a passion to show men and women how to value their differences and work together to deliver that extra zest that beats the rest!


Michael de Groot - Interviewed by Phil Gerbyshak about Storytelling

29 July 2017
Sometimes you interview someone, and their story just clicks. Talking with Michael de Groot about sharing your story to sell more was one of those times. In this all too brief conversation with Michael.


It took me a while to discover what I truly enjoy. And when I realised that I have always been interested in computers and more laterally the internet plus assisting people, I can truly say I am now experiencing my dream job. Working for myself of course is the first priority, assisting others to grow is the second priority, everything else just follows.