Image: Michael de Groot
During 2020 I made several predictions, albeit not publicly, and they pretty much all came true. Of course they were mainly about Covid-19, about vaccines, lockdowns and the timing of our perilous journey on planet earth.
This time I’m going to make some of my predictions public. Now, these predictions are only about the U.K., if they occur in any other country, it will be purely coincidental. Already one of the predictions will be exceeded and that’s the one about the number of Covid deaths. I predicted 100,000 deaths, but I think it will be much higher than that, more like 150,000 by the time we’re out of this. This is purely down to how the U.K. government has handled this pandemic.
I predicted last year that our journey following Covid-19 will last around 3–5 years. If you consider the economic fall-out and the amount of infections/deaths around the world, it will mean that many restrictions will have to stay in place in all countries. Life will not be back to normal for quite a while, in my personal opinion. We’d better get used to continuing to communicate with folks over the internet.
We’ve rushed out whole host of vaccines around the world and politicians and the media are telling us that this is the way out to normality. Really is it? Or is this just a front to give us hope, again, and then take that hole away at the last minute, which has been done so many times before.
Take a deep breath and get ready for a rocky few years, we’ve never experienced or faced anything like this before and there will be many more surprises ahead of us.
Be safe and stay well and above all, remain sensible.