
True cost

I recently watched a documentary named ‘The True Cost’ of course it was on Netflix.


It documented the true cost of our incessant desire for the latest fashion, yes men and women of course.

I used to work in the fashion industry for 28 years, I worked in fabric mills, yarn mills and garment mills, never in retail though. But the garment makers were our clients and the retailers were our enemy! How ridiculous to say they were the enemy. Well because they wanted lower prices and higher quality every single year. I’m talking in the main Marks and Spencer here.

They asked us to fund their discounting and made us hold on to stocks in our warehouse when sales didn’t happen as they expected.

The retailers really are the scum that causes all the pollution, the destruction and the mental and physical health issue sin humans in the developing worlds.

“Black and white shot of urban building windows at night with people standing inside, Oxford Street” by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

But they are not alone, you and I must also take responsibility. We want things cheaper and faster and we are addicted to consumerism. There are young women on YouTube making money from their videos unpacking shopping bags and sharing their excitement and delirious delights on the garments they reveal live on air. Only to get you to buy them.

Little do we know that these young women are being sponsored by the retailers and receive not only a handsome advertising revenue from YouTube they receive money from the retailers to advertise their products too. They’re called influencers. It’s the latest tactic on the web and you are totally oblivious to it.

Watch the documentary and weep. Your shopping habits will change forever.

Happy shopping!

Michael de Groot

No Socks

Not sure if you have noticed, there’s a new fashion trend for men. Leather shoes and no socks, well none noticeable as such. They may wear those tiny foot socks, but you can’t see them.

I would understand if the UK was located near the equator but we’re not and as such it looks totally ridiculous.

Who ever came up with the idea that men’s ankles are actually sexy or even attractive?

What is even more astounding is the fact that skinny jeans or formal trousers (pants) that seem to accompany this crazy new trend are even cut off higher so that men are making sure they expose their trendy look, yuk.

I used to work in the fashion industry, albeit the non-sexy manufacturing end and have witnessed some bizarre trends but nothing as bizarre and ridiculous as this one.

Come on guys get a grip.

Happy walking!

Michael de Groot