Day 25 — Friday 17 April 2020

So further to my journal entry yesterday, ‘Pip the Dog’ and I walked through the small bit of wood this morning, which is what we’ve been doing for a few weeks now and firstly found a massive pheasant walking ahead of us, Pip wasn’t sure what it was and then we saw two adult men on their large mountain bikes standing around, whilst sitting on their saddles, not actually moving but looking very suspicious. They are obviously the culprits that have been further improving and building the additional mounds and jumps for their bikes. It made me think a lot, should I report them or let it go? Why am I feeling this way, it’s their risk and their family’s risk isn’t?

I had the same feeling yesterday when seeing another different car parked on the road outside our next door neighbours’. They have been receiving regular visitors outside of their own household, something they have been doing ever since the lockdown. Obviously I’m not reporting them but only because you have to give your own details, which I’m not prepared to do, just in case they get told it was me!

Every Friday, except for Good Friday I planned to have an open Google Hangouts Meet, titled ‘LinkedIn Lunch’, open to any business owner who wishes to attend to just chat about what’s going on with COVID-19 and how it’s affecting all our businesses and what strategies some of us may be adopting. Today I expected about 3 or 4 to attend but only one person did, which was fine. We’d been chatting via LinkedIn and email a while ago and we had a wonderful chat about all sorts. Her name is Denise Quinlan and she shared a number of interesting things with me.

Firstly the video below, which is a parody on the song Staying Alive by The Bee Gees. Of course I love this seeing as my company is called Staying Alive UK!


Secondly a webinar hosted by the Institute of Directors, the IOD, where Denise will be talking about how to attract great clients, useful for when we come out of lockdown. Although I do believe it will be a very different world when we come out of that.


One of the things Denise has set up as well is a Facebook group titled ‘SME Force for Good, where SME organisations are sharing free content that might be useful to other SME’s as we all get out of this dreadful situation. You can check it out and ask to join the private group.

I immediately shared a couple of links with Denise she might like to share with other SME’s where I’m giving content away for free. I am sharing those here too.

First one is a Storytelling Workshop Webinar, which I recorded pre-COVID19 and I, giving it away for free. Follow the link below.


Second one is my 14 hours LinkedIn Lectures course on Udemy. Please note the free coupon link below is only valid for 31 days, so if it has expired by the time you click on it, just let me know and I will create another set of free coupons.


And today was spent mainly doing 3 days of journal entries and therefore this one is actually on time!

Stay Alive everyone!

Michael de Groot