Day 4-Friday 27 March 2020

I’m losing track of the days, are you too? All the days are starting to look the same to me. Started the same routine, walking Pip the Dog for a walk, avoiding the streets, where I might meet other dog walkers. Not me being paranoid, just want to make sure I follow the rules but also staying safe. If I were to catch the virus, my wife would have to isolate too and that’s not good, because she’s her mother’s carer at the moment.

Though I have been thinking aren’t we supposed to all get this virus anyway, so we can develop immunity? Probably not, because it will definitely cause more deaths. Waiting patiently for the antibody test to come out, this would be a massive game changer I believe.

Apart from walking Pip, having breakfast, shower etc., all the normal boring things, I spent some time working on the only animation project I have going on at the moment. I was sorting out the best music and submitting the storyboard to the client, which apart from one sketch, which we amended, was approved. Josh can now go ahead with the proper illustrations.

If you have been reading my previous posts you will know too that I’ve also been working with my Taiko drumming teacher on getting him teaching online. Well we both joined a Zoom online teaching session by a Taiko group in Germany. I joined for about an hour and I wasn’t that impressed with how it went. I believe we would really need to rethink our approach altogether. The sound quality is a real issue for participants. More to come on that next week.

I suspect over the coming days/weeks I will start to run out of things to write about. I must make some notes during the day, so I remember what actually happened. I’m sitting down writing this post on Sunday 29 March, so I’m actually behind on capturing the days events. Must get my act together on this.

Stay safe and well.


Michael de Groot