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Day 67 — Friday 29 May 2020

Image by Wordswag — words by Michael de Groot

We had another useful online LinkedIn Lunch using Google Meet. There are a couple of contacts that joined me for a general chat on many topics. The current performance by the U.K. government, Shaun the Sheep, Milly and Timmy the Sheep as well and Robert doing Yoga whilst being on the Meet as well, it was brilliant.

There’s is a storm brewing with Donald Trump, which I’m sure everyone is aware of. His tweets are causing Twitter’s fact checking machine to kick in, including their violence quotation bots, see embedded tweet and image below. But now he’s also signed some sort of executive order, anything to get in the news.[embed][/embed]

David King former Chief Science Advisor in the U.K. confirms that the U.K. government have dealt with this crisis in a disastrous way and we could have avoided an extra 40,000 deaths.



This lockdown period is taking its toll on many of us and the leaders in governments have gone completely crazy, with of course a few exceptions, like Norway and New Zealand.

Here’s one example in the USA.


Michael out…

Michael de Groot