The image above is from a construction site I walk past when I take ‘Pip the Dog’ for a walk in the mornings. As you can see, the procedures are very well laid out and clear, I thought, I was well impressed. However I saw several construction workers very close to each other, i.e. within 1/2 metre of each other and not wearing any PPE. Interesting!
Today was the first time since the start of lockdown that I actually interviewed someone for my ‘Share Your Story’ Podcast. I really enjoyed it and I have to say I have missed it. My guest was David Wynn, an Executive & Leadership Coach & Mentor. He lives in Scotland, but lucky for me his Scottish accent wasn’t too bad actually. I really enjoyed chatting with him. Of course I had him give me and the podcast listeners some tips in terms of how to deal with this whole COVID19 situation and I even share one of my personal challenges and habits at the moment, so do tune in and I hope you will get something from it. Link is below.
The rest of my day was spent on Taiko West — Taiko Drumming, mainly technology based stuff. Tiring to say the least you need a lot of brain cells to figure these things out.
Also came across this story on Twitter and felt it was symptomatic of what’s happening to all of us in Lockdown and it’s Mental Health Awareness week as well!
Michael out…