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Day 33 — Saturday 25 April 2020

Quiet walk with Pip this morning as I decided to just go for a short walk and rest up.

Had to do some work, work on a potential short cut format for my Taiko drumming teacher when he does the verbal notations for his songs he teaches. He didn’t ask for it, but I just felt he needed a potential short cut way for doing it, to save him time. So I worked it out and recorded a short screen share video to show how it’s done.

The Japanese word for Taiko drumming notation/music is Kuchi Shoga. A very cool name I thought.

So after all that, I watched a new blockbuster movie release on Netflix, ‘Extraction’ with Chris Hemsworth of ‘Thor’ fame! 
It was a wild wild ride and although it was very very violent, not for the faint hearted, I did enjoy it. Netflix are obviously storming at the moment. And then caught up with one of my other thriller series on Netflix, ‘Ozark’.

And shortly after that Clair came home with vegetarian sausage rolls made by her Mum, so I made a lovely salad for us.

And Clair made a gorgeous, apple, pear and rhubarb crumble, with Rhubarb, which she received via a neighbour at her Mum’s and some pears which had been delivered today in a veg box. Yum!

Michael out…

Michael de Groot

Ps. U.K. government data sets: