OMG, couldn’t believe how many dog walkers had congregated near our walking spot, of course it’s not ‘my’ walking spot, but I felt totally over crowded with several dog walkers and 6 dogs all in one place and nowhere to pass them. I had to walk on the road to get past them, so thankful that it’s quiet at the moment with very few motorists out on the roads.
More Taiko drumming lessons today at 2pm and 7pm and also attended an online workshop on how to get more clients in this current world. I had one major takeaway, see image below.

So here I am typing the final sentences for a week of journal entries and I am fading fast, running out of non-sense to write and wondering whether doing this is helpful for me or not.
So a couple of things that may be worthy of mention. This current world definitely brings out the worst and the best out of people. I know someone, let’s call her Sophie (not her real name), who I thought was a beautiful human being with a wonderful like minded soul. She not long ago joined telegram and all of a sudden I am being bombarded daily with conspiracy theory videos. I’m thinking WHAT! How did this happen? Not at all what I expected.
Last night during towards the end of our Taiko drumming class, we paused to go outside and clap for our key workers. This time I used a singing bowl and tapped it with the wooden handle that is supplied with it. It really made a wonderful noise! Will be using that next week.