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Day 13 — Sunday 5 April 2020

An uneventful walk this morning with ‘Pip the Dog’ and bizarrely she was quite disruptive as well, not wanting to move on and doing an unusual amount of sniffing, far more than is normal. She’s brilliant otherwise and walking back home she walks right by me, all the way. We’ve had her for 5 years and she’s 10 years old and when we first got her, we sincerely believe that she never had any training and her ability to walk on a lead was pretty much non-existent. But now she’s as good as gold, but it has taken a while that’s for sure.

Pretty much a quiet Sunday, I did do some little bits of work, preparing for the week ahead in getting Taiko Drumming lessons online, using Zoom and further video tutorials. This work I’m doing on behalf of my Taiko drumming teacher, James.

As the weather was warm today, we waited to do our weekly washing load, so we could hang it outside for drying for their first time this year, yippee long may it last!

Clair baked some flapjacks and Chocolate Chip cookies, now they were delicious indeed!

We heard how the Scottish Medical Officer flaunted the rules of staying at home and visited her holiday home twice for the last 2 weekends. I’m not sure that she will actually stay in her job, despite what the Scottish first minister actually says. This news will go viral worldwide and she will have no choice but to resign. A sad situation but you have to lead by example, how does the saying go?

“Do as I say and not as I do?” more like, “Do as I say and I will do something else!”

Of course there are plenty of people who will push the boundaries to disobey the public health advice and stay home. It is so foreign to all of us, to have our freedom taken away in this way. I sincerely feel for the medical professions throughout the world. They definitely didn’t sign up to this, no way did they expect this kind of a breakout throughout the world. And yet my question would be why not? Why aren’t we better prepared to deal with this, why are we scrambling around to get PPE equipment, ventilators, medication etc., some serious questions will have to be asked, when this passes through. Some leaders, like Donald Trump, even dismissed it and told the American people they had it in control. Now the US are leading the no of cases and soon will lead the death tally too.

A past Chief Executive that I had the unfortunate pleasure to work for had a great statement, which I have never forgotten until this day.

The Trend is your Friend

Ignore the trend at your peril I say!

The sun may be shining

But people are dyeing

Ignore the advice and the rules

You will witness the consequences and look the fools

It could be family member or one of your friends

Just think of the message that it sends

Stay at home and shows us you can lead

That way it will be sooner when we will all be freed

Michael de Groot