
Lindsay Milner - Meaningful Work

Lindsay is the owner of Silvern Training, and is on a mission to help people look forward to Monday mornings and love going in to work. So many people hate their work, and we spend too long in the workplace for it to be like that. 

Lindsay has had a very varied working life, doing everything from admin, volunteering, sales, teaching, training, fundraising, management and chairing a board of charity trustees.  Almost 20 years working in the public sector in administration and management, followed by almost 20 years career in the voluntary sector, including board level experience. 

Loves to see people develop their confidence, so that they can speak up appropriately. Takes great joy in helping people to enjoy a rewarding working life that fulfils their potential.

As a member of a Toastmasters International club since 2010, supports members in their public speaking journey, and sees at first hand how encouragement, support and practice makes a difference to confidence.  Meetings every second and fourth Monday at 6.30 at the Novotel Broad Street, Birmingham. Visitors welcome.

Loves books, especially personal development books, and can be found reviewing them on You Tube #abookinfiveminutes.

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Twitter - @silverntrainuk

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Bulling Speakers website – 

Jack Hamilton Fellows - The Social Mercenary

Loughborough Graduate 2019 with entrepreneurial tendencies. Started 3 companies during my studies: Personal Training, Import & Export of Hazelnuts and most recently an ethical clothing company, The Social Mercenary.

Interesting facts: My first job was in Nuclear Engineering. I like finance - coming second in a competition at Microsoft Asia HQ. I'm obsessed with self-development, lifting myself out of depression and regular panic attacks. I'm binary, it's 100% or nothing. I love going on adventures especially skiing or surfing. 

One of my hardest challenges to date. Opened up trading with ethical factories in Ghana. Raised £10,000 on Kickstarter in 2017 to begin the project, being featured in National Press. Donated backpacks to be filled as Xmas parcels for the homeless. Generated £40,000 in turnover from the first year of trading. So far we have sold 1000 backpacks and now sell a range of accessories.



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