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Kul Mahay - The Immersion Coach, helping leaders become Outstanding

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Kul Mahay - The Immersion Coach, helping leaders become Outstanding Michael de Groot - @stayingaliveuk

"I want to change the world through the transformation of how people think."

Kul is a former senior police officer, having served at the highest levels of leadership for the past 20 years. 

He works with successful people to overcome challenges that they don’t want others to know about.  He has worked with clients around the world who have owned businesses or been in senior leadership positions. Outwardly, they had all the signs of success but inwardly they are all human and struggle with the same issues, predominantly most of which are manifested within our mind. 

He is the founder of one of the fastest growing inner leadership events in the UK, IGNITE YOUR INNER POTENTIAL™, which is part of his mission to help people and communities understand that they can live life on their own terms and very successfully at that. Kul says. “All we need to do is wake up from the trance that is our conditioning. I have done just that and there is no reason why anyone else couldn’t.” - January 21st, 2018

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