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Week 14: 28 June — 4 July 2020

Image by Wordswag - words by Michael de Groot

Sunday 28 June

Facebook are a little poorer this week. About 8 billion poorer and that’s because they believe in free speech a little too much. But big brands are voting with their marketing dollars.


After an embarrassing turnout in Tulsa prompted a presidential hissy fit, Team Trump is reportedly racing to ensure that plans for the Republican National Convention are foolproof.


Are the people in the USA finally realising that Trump is dust? I sincerely hope so.

Monday 29 June

The debate on face coverings trundles on. The U.K. once again shows arrogance. Even in the USA some politicians are wearing masks. Trump excluded of course.


The US of A, is also making a hash of it, playing with people’s lives and some Trump followers (dickheads) are clearly trying to make a point, see image below.


Masks, masks, masks.


Tuesday 30 June

E.U. Formalizes Reopening, Barring Travelers From U.S.

The bloc will allow visitors from 15 countries, but the United States, Brazil and Russia were among the notable absences from the safe list.

The USA banned the EU very early on in the pandemic, so it’s only right that they ban the USA now. Wonder if Trump will react with a tariff?

Yes Sarah Cooper the Trump ads!!


The USA is leading the charge.


Beautiful clear masks on Indiegogo but would you buy it?


Wednesday 1 July

A new month and some weird stuff happening on planet Earth. First they found a new planet 40 times bigger than Earth!


Facebook, Facebook what have you NOT done?

More than 100 major brands, from Unilever to Verizon, have pulled advertising from the platform after civil rights groups called for a boycott in the past week. Facebook’s efforts to address the controversy included the announcement of increased efforts to prevent voter suppression based on race and ethnicity and a potential audit of its moderation practices.

I’m not on WhatsApp, because I detest Facebook. I use to be a massive Facebook fan, but now I’m not. They steal my data, sell it and abuse me. They abuse you too. I came across this article, which guides you through how to delete WhatsApp and be rid of it. I haven’t been on there for years, I don’t miss it and they don’t miss me. Happy days all round.


Thursday 2 July

There is a certain look about a clean cut looking con-man. Watch the amazing and damning video advert in the tweet below. Your jaw will drop with disbelief.


A mother gets hi-jacked by her daughter, whilst being in full flow on BBC news. A great moment during Covid-19.


Taking a literal view to connect with people via zoom. A route to book a Zoom appointment with me, affectionally named #ZoomMe.


Totally for got to share my latest Taiko production. A promo video for my Taiko teacher’s 5-week online live course. See what you think?


The great UK redundancy boom has started, over 12,000 jobs have been cut, just 3 months after it all started with Covid19. More on it’s way people.


That evil woman, partner of Jeffrey Epstein has finally been found.


Very clever. Finally Vladimir Putin or Vladi as Trump calls him, confirms his endorsement of Trump.


Friday 3 July

Biggest story of the day for me is of course, drum roll…

The Donald! No need for any words, just watch the video below.

A short personal story. My stepson came to visit us yesterday because he had been for an interview, that in his words, was perfect for him.

Trouble was he had to confirm on the application at the recruitment agency, if he has a criminal record. Unfortunately he does. He had a fight with a fellow young man in the street last year (2019) and went to court in January (2020). He ended up with a community order, which he would have easily completed by now if it wasn’t for Covid19.

It was the perfect job, the right hours and good pay, but it’s not to be, he has to work through his fine before any employer will consider him and sending in an application showing a criminal record means it may result in him never being to apply to that company again.

He had a great job before Covid19 with Franky’s and Benny’s and of course they had to close down a bunch of establishments, including his. He has been furloughed although that’s coming to an end now very shortly.

He’s not in a good place through all this and for his mother a very worrying time indeed.

Boris Johnson’s father broke the UK’s lockdown rules and he would not be pushed to criticise his dad on radio.


Second wave antics. The virus is not giving up easily, despite Donald Trump’s news saying that the virus will disappear one day. I think he might be proven to be very wrong, his own country is experiencing second waves across some states and so are Europe.


Saturday 4 July

This is the most damning report on the U.K. government’s handling of the coronavirus, but it had to be told, well done Boris.


Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is trying desperately to save his company but I predict in 12 months time it will be a very different company.

Michael out…

Michael de Groot