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Day 12–Saturday 4 April 2020

It’s the weekend and the weather is about to get warmer, at long last. It’s been a long winter, loads of rain, flooding and heartache for millions in the U.K.

But, every since we’ve been on ‘Social Distancing’ duty the weather has been bizarrely dry, not a drop of rain whilst I have been journaling my journey through this global pandemic.

The concern for Sunday is that thousands if not millions of folk will got out, at the same time, to enjoy the warmer weather, well that’s normally what happens. So the police is on high alert. Crazy to think that people will actually put their fellow human beings at risk in this way. Anyway we’ll see what happens, potentially a few will spoil it for the many and that would be grossly unfair to all of us.

Today, Clair (my wife) is looking after her Mum. It’s weekly cleaning day for her. To remind you her Mum has to be isolated for 12 weeks as she’s very vulnerable with other health conditions. She went away this morning with her cleaning materials and cloths, to continue the process of a deep clean. She’s doing a really great job for her Mum.

I spent most of the morning working on Taiko West’s website, to continue the process of having a private page for Taiko students to login to with their email and own password. It’s all set up now and working as it should. My only small niggle is the embedded YouTube player, which has the YouTube logo on it, which would allow viewers to go and view it on YouTube and potentially share the video link with others. There doesn’t seem to be a work around for this, that I have found.

Also the other annoying thing is that when you pause or finish playing the video, it shows up a load of other videos to watch, I had a code for this a few weeks ago, to stop this but unfortunately YouTube have managed to work around this bit of code. The bit of code is “?rel=0” and is inserted after the video ID and it is supposed to prevent any related videos showing up. In some blogs it says it will only show videos from that channel, which indeed it to begin with, but when I checked today, whilst trying out different solutions, it now shows other ridiculous videos too. Aaarggghhh!!

Apart from that I went into the garden and cut the grass, pumped up the tyres on my road bike, ready for use in the warmer weather and then had some lunch. After that started on writing this journal entry, but never finished it, as Clair came home, so spending some quality time with her and then cooking some ‘all-day’ breakfast for our tea/dinner.

Stay Home and Save Lives!

Michael de Groot

Ps. The U.K. government data sets: