There are so many ways to communicate with people via the web these days, that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to decide which method to use.
Most of our contacts are in at least 3 different locations. Probably Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Then there’s also Instagram and Snapchat. That last one depends on how old you are, so forget that one for the purpose of this article.
Do you send them a) an old-fashioned text message b) a Facebook messenger c) direct message them on twitter or message them on LinkedIn. Not sure we do many on instagram at all, I’m just the wrong age group.
Well it all depends if you have their phone number or not.
So here’s my approach these days.
a) if I have their number and they are in the UK, send them a text message. It’s likely that this service is always left on in terms of notifications.
b) if you don’t have their number and you are connected on LinkedIn, message them there. The chances are that they haven’t switched off notifications for that.
c) failing that use normal email or phone/Skype them!
It still doesn’t sound simple does it.
To be honest all I want is a simple life and all those social networks have made it increasingly cumbersome and not efficient. Remember when they said that technology would make our life’s simpler and we would be able to spend more time with our families and friends? Well the opposite has actually happened. If you haven’t already lost your teenage son in his online gaming and your teenage daughter in snapchat world then you probably will lose them in a different platform that hasn’t been invented yet.
Happy communicating!